Many small businesses are looking to make sense of recent cases in the media (especially surrounding sexual harassment) and how their workplace may be impacted. Organizations are specifically looking for answers and a level of comfort to ensure they are on the right path. We are empowering Winnipeg’s small and medium sized organizations through a free lunch & learn.
Attendees will leave with knowledge and specific takeaways on how to build a respectful workplace. Concepts such as sexual harassment, general harassment, bullying, and discrimination will be discussed. We will also review policy best practices and real-life scenarios to give attendees a thorough understanding of liability and actions to take with Q&A to follow. ——————————- ?How to register: Space is limited to one person per organization. To register, email your full name, title and name of your organization to: ?Date: February 28th ?Time: 11:45am settle in with content to start promptly at noon. The session will wrap-up at 12:45pm with time for one to one questions after.
?Location: 2nd Floor of 141 Bannatyne (Acuity Boardroom)
?Cost: Free! Bring your lunch if you’d like (water and snacks provided)
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